2021-11-11T21:17:47+02:00 |
De NLUUG najaarsconferentie heeft plaatsgevonden op 11 november 2021 in het Van der Valk Hotel Utrecht. |
true |
2023-05-10T15:17:47+02:00 |
NLUUG najaarsconferentie 2021 |
schedule-event |
NLUUG najaarsconferentie 2021 |
2021-11-11T08:30:00+02:00 |
2021-11-11T18:00:00+02:00 |
Europe/Amsterdam |
Van der Valk Hotel Utrecht |
street_address |
postal_code |
city |
country_name |
Winthontlaan 4-6 |
3526 KV |
Utrecht |
The Netherlands |
offline |
Najaarsconferentie 2021 van de vereniging NLUUG in het Van der Valk Hotel te Utrecht |
/afbeeldingen/locaties/utrecht/hotel-van-der-valk-utrecht-winthontlaan.jpg |
true |
organizer |
id |
name |
nluug |
title |
description |
columns |
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Programma |
Alleen maar geweldige sprekers |
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Zaal 1 |
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Inschrijving, ontvangst, koffie |
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2 |
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Sjoera Nas |
It's the metadata, stupid! Privacy versus de grote cloudproviders |
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talks/sjoera-nas-its-the-metadata-stupid-privacy-versus-de-grote-cloudproviders/ |
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Sake Blok |
TLS decryption in times of Perfect Forward Secrecy |
talks/sake-blok-tls-decryption-in-times-of-perfect-forward-secrecy/ |
column |
talk |
speaker |
title |
link |
Mischa Peters |
The OpenBSD hypervisor in the wild, a short story, but getting longer |
talks/mischa-peters-the-openbsd-hypervisor-in-the-wild-a-short-story-but-getting-longer/ |
row |
columns |
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speaker |
title |
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Jaap Akkerhuis |
The sky is falling: The sun is exploding, duck! Revisited |
talks/jaap-akkerhuis-the-sky-is-falling-the-sun-is-exploding-duck-revisited/ |
column |
talk |
speaker |
title |
link |
Walter Lioen |
Snellius: the latest Dutch national supercomputer |
talks/walter-lioen-snellius-the-latest-dutch-national-supercomputer/ |
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true |
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Pieter Lexis |
YANG and NETCONF for Systems Administration? |
talks/pieter-lexis-yang-and-netconf-for-systems-administration/ |
column |
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link |
Dennis Baaten |
Internet.nl & DANE for SMTP |
talks/dennis-baaten-internetnl-en-dane-for-smtp/ |
row |
columns |
column |
talk |
speaker |
title |
link |
Wouter de Vries |
Anycast: What is it and How to measure it |
talks/wouter-de-vries-anycast-what-is-it-and-how-to-measure-it/ |
column |
talk |
speaker |
title |
link |
Elger Jonker |
May Contain Hackers 2022, the Dutch hacker camp after SHA |
talks/elger-jonker-may-contain-hackers-2022-the-dutch-hacker-camp-after-sha/ |
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Martin Pels |
10 years of NLNOG RING |
talks/martin-pels-10-years-of-nlnog-ring/ |
column |
talk |
speaker |
title |
link |
Rudi van Drunen |
What are FPGAs anyway and why is it fun to play with them? |
talks/rudi-van-drunen-what-are-fpgas-anyway-and-why-is-it-fun-to-play-with-them/ |
row |
columns |
column |
talk |
speaker |
title |
link |
Vesna Manojlovic |
Technical Communities Resilience During COVID-19 Pandemic |
talks/vesna-manojlovic-technical-communities-resilience-during-covid-19-pandemic/ |
column |
talk |
speaker |
title |
link |
Attilla de Groot |
Integrating host networking with EVPN |
talks/attilla-de-groot-integrating-host-networking-with-evpn/ |
row |
columns |
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textfield |
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text |
Borrel, gesponsord door AT Computing |
true |
2 |