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active_members |
2023-05-06T13:08:32+02:00 |
Learn more about the NLUUG organization and the active members within the different committees |
organization/ |
Organization |
true |
aschwin-marsman |
bjorn-wijers |
debbie-reinders |
eelco-mulder |
hans-van-de-looy |
jan-christiaan-van-winkel |
jan-sepp |
jeroen-jonkman |
koen-de-jonge |
luc-nieland |
mark-janssen |
michael-boelen |
mike-hulsman |
nick-cohn |
patrick-reijnen |
reinoud-van-leeuwen |
rogier-spoor |
ronny-lam |
roy-van-leeuwen |
rudi-van-drunen |
toshaan-bharvani |
willem-toorop |
Our volunteers work on a daily basis to contribute to our association. Besides the board, we have other tasks like searching new speakers for our events.
The [board]({{< relref "/organisatie/bestuur/" >}}) is reponsible for the vision of the association and shares this with its members.