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Inschrijving, ontvangst, koffie |
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true |
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columns |
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Winn Schwartau |
Metawar: The Art and Science & Conflict & Reality Distortion in the Metaverse |
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true |
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Jan Ainali |
Introduction to public code |
talks/jan-ainali-introduction-to-public-code/ |
column |
talk |
speaker |
title |
Tamara Brandt |
What's OPEN about data protection? About privacy and data protection from a legal perspective |
column |
talk |
speaker |
title |
Nicole Wajer |
Wat hebben IPv6 en broccoli gemeenschappelijk |
row |
columns |
column |
talk |
speaker |
title |
Maarten Aertsen |
The EU regulating (open source) software: the proposed Cyber Resilience Act |
column |
talk |
speaker |
title |
Paul Reuvers en Marc Simons |
Operation Rubicon (How CIA and BND took over CryptoAG) |
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speaker |
title |
Peter van Eijk |
Cloud is here to stay |
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true |
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Ed Schouten |
Buildbarn: a distributed build cluster |
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title |
Rix Groenboom |
Validation of AI: Towards a Driving Exam for OpenPilot |
column |
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speaker |
title |
Björn Wijers |
Kom voor de Hersenspoeling en help in De Digitale Spoelkeuken |
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talk |
speaker |
title |
Jesse Lourens |
SBOM, an overview |
column |
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speaker |
title |
Sander Raaijmakers en Leo Rozendaal |
Connectivity Standards Alliance - Zigbee Direct and Matter |
column |
talk |
speaker |
title |
Jan-Piet Mens |
Ansible: it's a fact |
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true |
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talk |
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title |
Cristian Hesselman |
Increasing Internet security by bridging research and operations |
column |
talk |
speaker |
title |
link |
Walter Belgers |
Mijn avonturen met het Anker magneetslot |
column |
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speaker |
title |
Harm van Stekelenburg |
PubHubs, a community network based on public values |
row |
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talk |
speaker |
title |
Paul Möller en Jan Willem Brandenburg |
Dissect - The open-source framework for large-scale host investigations |
column |
talk |
speaker |
title |
link |
Bert Hubert |
Deep learning totally from scratch |
talks/bert-hubert-deep-learning-totally-from-scratch/ |
column |
talk |
speaker |
title |
Frans Schippers |
Inspecting TLS |
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text |
Borrel, gesponsord door ...? |
true |
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